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Yunos (Vice President of RAVTE Faculty of Technical and Vocational EducationUniversiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia) Main Paper Globalization of Human Resource Management: The Challenges of Reforming Vocational Educational and Training By: Prof. Proceeding Identity Preface Content Keynote Paper The committee would express our gratitude to all participants and stakeholders in supporting the National seminar, convention and workshop of Indonesian LPTK-PTK This book also can be as a reference to intensify the National development.

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Hopefully this proceeding book will be useful to develop technology, art, and culture. Therefore, the National seminar, convention and workshop of Indonesian LPTK-PTK may emerge the thoughts how to strength the role of LPTK to improve the quality of the vocational teachers in Indonesia. The main objectives of the seminar is to improve the capability in vocational technology in theme: The role of educational technology and vocational in Asean Economic Community (AEC) which is adopted from the researches in order to upgrade the graduates to be International standard so that the output of LPTK-PTK be able to compete in AEC.

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Preface We feel thankful to Allah for the blessing so that the book of proceeding of National Seminar completely compiled in relating to the 8th National Convention of Indonesian Association of Technological and Vocational Education (APTEKINDO) and 19th Indonesian Congress of FT/FPTK-JPTK 3 - 6 August 2016 in State University of Medan. (061) 6613319-6614002 Website: http//In Collaboration With: Association of Technological and Vocational Education (APTEKINDO) Published by: Faculty of Engineering State University of Medan Jln. ISBN: Copyright 2016 Faculty of Engineering, State University of Medan Simanjunntak, MT, Ph.D.įACULTY OF ENGINEERING STATE UNIVERSITY OF MEDAN NORTH SUMATERA, INDONESIAĮDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY AND VOCATIONAL IN ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY AND VOCATIONAL IN ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS 3-6 August 2016 Auditorium State University of Medan, Medan, North Sumatera, Indonesia

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